Clean Slate’s formula, under patent-pending technology, was developed to safely assist the body’s natural ability to remove environmental toxins and heavy metals. Benefits: PASSIVE CLEANSING: Safely supports the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the entire body. REDUCES INFLAMMATION : Clean Slate assists in the reduction of negative inflammation by removing the root cause of the issues. INCREASES ABSORPTION: Clean Slate supports the absorption of nutrients by the removal of toxins that may block the nutrient binding site. You can order here:
To regain control over your health, I offer the option of a monthly (or 6 months) subscription. With this subscription, you will receive daily support through Quantum Frequencies. Each (work) day, three vital body scans are conducted in the morning, followed by an optimisation, and an additional treatment session in the evening. Additionally, once a week, you submit a voice recording, which is used to create personalised audio files for you to listen to twice a day. For a deep and lasting result, it is recommended to invest in yourself for at least 6 months to a year and follow this intensive yet accessible therapy. To provide a comprehensive analysis and tailored advice, I thoroughly examine the reports from the first three days. With my experience and expertise in medicine and nutrition, I interpret the data to give you the essential insights needed to restore and maintain your health.
With a nutrition session, I will provide you with the essential information you need to make informed choices about your health. We will start with an initial intake session to assess your needs and determine the best path forward. As part of the session, you will receive my e-book on nutrition for free.
Gain a comprehensive understanding of your health with the Body Scan, available both in-person and remotely. Along with the scan, you will receive an optimised treatment session and, for one week, a daily Vital Scan each morning with optimisation, followed by an additional treatment every evening. Plus, when you complete a Body Scan, you will receive my e-book for free. To provide a comprehensive analysis and tailored advice, I thoroughly examine the reports from the first three days. With my experience and expertise in medicine and nutrition, I interpret the data to give you the essential insights needed to restore and maintain your health.
To help you regain control of your health, I offer a monthly subscription that provides daily support through Quantum Frequencies. Each (work) day, three vital body scans are conducted in the morning, followed by an optimisation, and an additional treatment session in the evening. Additionally, once a week, you submit a voice recording, which is used to create personalised audio files for you to listen to twice a day. For a deep and lasting result, it is recommended to invest in yourself for at least 6 months to a year and follow this intensive yet accessible therapy. To provide a comprehensive analysis and tailored advice, I thoroughly examine the reports from the first three days. With my experience and expertise in medicine and nutrition, I interpret the data to give you the essential insights needed to restore and maintain your health.
E-Book about nutrition in Dutch language "Eet goed, ontdek wat echt gezond is". Alles wat je moet weten over gezond eten en nog veel meer. Index: Marie Diamond Felix Economakis Spencer Pool Wat is gezondheid Hoe kunnen we gezond blijven Gezonde voeding in een notendop Superfoods Supplementen Waarom geen tarwe, melk, suiker, margarine, soja Gluten Koolhydraten en Eiwitten Algemene tips Water Recepten Smoothies Vegetarisch/Veganistisch Keto Ontstekingsremmende voeding Verzuring en Ontgiften Bottenbouillon / Collageen Elektrolyten Essentiële mineralen Zeemos Vitaminen Intermittent Fasting Hormonen Meditatie Health check DNA Test Test je kennis Antwoorden
Experience the transformative power of a healing session. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, physical discomfort, emotional blocks, or simply want to restore balance in your life, a healing session can help you realign, rejuvenate, and rediscover your inner harmony. Take the first step toward feeling lighter, more energised, and truly connected to your well-being.
"Discover everything you need to know about nutrition: the essentials, the do's and don'ts, debunking myths, and uncovering the truth behind the lies." TABLE OF CONTENTS Nikos Chatzibalassis Felix Economakis Marie Diamond Spencer Pool What is Health How Can We Stay Healthy Healthy Nutrition in a Nutshell Superfoods Supplements Why No Wheat, Milk, Sugar, Margarine, Soy Gluten Carbohydrates and Proteins General Tips Water Recipes Smoothies Vegetarian/Vegan Low-Carb Anti-Inflammatory Foods Acidification and Detoxification Bone Broth / Collagen Electrolytes Essential Minerals Sea Moss Vitamins Intermittent Fasting Hormones Meditation Health Check DNA Test In Conclusion Test Your Knowledge
With this DNA test you will get all the information about your FItness, Nutrition, Metabolism, Skinhealth and Alcohol.